Sustainable Keto Membership
Keto Cooking Demos
You'll find our archive of Keto Cooking Demo's in this section.
Keto Pizza Demo
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This is a recording of the demo we did at the Des Moines Health & Fitness Expo on January 4, 2020. We had an issue with power and their audio system about 15 minutes in. Our backup audio also failed. But, you can hear us throughout, just not as well as we would have liked.
Get the recipe for the keto pizza we're making by clicking here.
For the sauce we use:
Just stir this all together and use as much as you'd like for the sauce. Keep in mind tomatoes contain natural sugars, so pay attention to your macros.
Other ideas for pizza sauce include:
- Pesto Sauce
- Olive oil or MCT oil sprinkled or blended with italian herbs and salt
- Ranch Dressing
Keto Pizza Demo
Keto Summit Omaha
[progressally_vimeo_video id='' vimeo_id='392462868' width='600' height='350' ]
Get the recipe for the keto pizza we're making by clicking here.
For the sauce we use:
Just stir this all together and use as much as you'd like for the sauce. Keep in mind tomatoes contain natural sugars, so pay attention to your macros.
Other ideas for pizza sauce include:
- Pesto Sauce
- Olive oil or MCT oil sprinkled or blended with italian herbs and salt
- Ranch Dressing
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